Wyld Worlds Subsector

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Wyld Worlds Subsector
YussKakarikiMivlzhitsStelsodrStormWaikikamukauFiafFlekriabrKanshOvdashEbriaIloshaMukirShte'drabliechSakiguKishkaTiqaEdjinsjaShe'qilSandvykFeilisLenchiajzhdiezh SubsectorStellar Chorus SubsectorAkigura SubsectorIzh Kriezhlal SubsectorYiklerzdanzh SectorPeedizh Chr SubsectorTapljifriens SubsectorShipaiebria SubsectorDrbli Chtidr SubsectorIzellensjdash SubsectorMeichntid Ibl SubsectorLenchiajzhdiezh SubsectorChinzhedniedoch SubsectorTalpaku SubsectorStellar Chorus SubsectorWyld Worlds SubsectorAkigura SubsectorString of Pearls SubsectorDlarashtsalash SubsectorIzh Kriezhlal SubsectorRom's Loch SubsectorWyld Worlds
Sector Yiklerzdanzh
No. of Stars 21
Majority Control Non-Aligned - 95%
2nd Control Akigura Union - 5%
Map Key Map Key

Subsector K of Yiklerzdanzh Sector.


A region of neutral teritory.

Stellar Distribution[edit]

Official Data
A basic map showing the officially accepted distribution and size of stars within Wyld Worlds Subsector.

  • The color corresponds to the visible color of the star, which links to its spectral classification.
  • The size as shown indicates both the physical size of the object and its relative brightness.

Subsector K Wyld Worlds Star Chart Official.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

Misidentified Stars
On Imperial star charts, the primary stars of some systems within the subsector are incorrectly identified as white dwarf stellar remnants.

This consistent error appears to date back to the time of the Imperial First Survey.

  • Some authorities claim that it was a deliberate large scale effort to discourage interest in the region.
white dwarf stellar remnant

Ongoing study by the IISS has revealed the error, but this occurred after the publication of the Imperial Second Survey.

  • Verified data confirming the exact nature of each star would command premium prices.

Updated Data
A basic map showing a more modern understanding of the distribution and size of stars within the subsector.

  • The color corresponds to the visible color of the star, which links to its spectral classification.
  • The size as shown indicates both the physical size of the object and its relative brightness.

Subsector K Wyld Worlds Star Chart Corrected.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

Note that the stars as depicted are representative. Any star, no matter what its size, is a mere speck within the hex it occupies.

  • Ordinary main sequence stars can barely be seen from even a hex away.
  • Huge, intensely luminous giant stars can be seen from across the subsector and far beyond.

Borealis Group[edit]

The Borealis Group can be seen as a bright, dense, noticeable grouping of stars in the skies to Spinward-rimward.

Theta Borealis Bright Stars 2.jpg

The Borealis Group contains significant amounts of gas and dust that reflects and refracts the light of the stars, giving it an ethereal glow.

The Hammer Cluster[edit]

The Hammer Cluster is a small cluster of worlds straddling the border between Stellar Chorus Subsector, Wyld Worlds Subsector, Dlarashtsalash Subsector, and Izh Kriezhlal Subsector.

Chart Hammer Cluster Basic.png

The Izrats Kriezhlas Unity has turned its eyes towards the worlds of the Cluster with a view to future settlement - two of the cluster's worlds have been established as Unity client states. The Carillon Harmonies have similar regional interests, which has increasingly brought them into conflict with the Vlazhdumecta. The Droyne enclave on Soyayt, on the trailing edge of the cluster, resents this increasing intrusion into their solitude.

Zhodani Ship Classic Adventure 4 Leviathan Puss Nicholson.jpg

World Listing[edit]

Comprehensive Second Survey data for all worlds lying within Rom's Loch subsector is available.

  • The primary source material for all data is Traveller Map. However, note that some of this data is incorrect or out of date.
  • World articles may have slightly different data: some elements of the data contained within articles has been updated.
  • Data is occasionally updated as new information becomes available.

AAB library archives contain expanded data about the following systems:

6 Worlds in the Wyld Worlds Subsector
Kansh  •  Mivlzhits  •  Sakigu  •  Stelsodr  •  Waikikamukau  •  Yuss  •  

Verified updated data is constantly sought.

  • Scouting missions gathering reliable, verified data can receive substantial payment.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

Polity Listing: 1116[edit]

Native Sophonts[edit]

  • None.


Significant populations of the following sophont races exist within this subsector:


Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this subsector:

  • No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.